
birds 2.

My most recent creation. Acrylic on illustration board with adhesive fake wood wallpaper cut out things.



Ive been baking quite a bit lately. Nothing too overly exciting mostly just butter cookies, but they are so yummy and fun to make as well.

Buttercookies! These are my own invention (not really) but they are the tried and true recipe. Poppa Kozak demands them every christmas, and being the great daughter I am, I deliver.

Egg yolk cookies rolled in walnuts!

I tried to be Starbucks and make my own lemon poppyseed cake. It was lemoney and there were definitely poppyseeds as well but it just wasn't the same. I think it needs more butter for it to be Starbucksy enough...one day

And lastly, I made meringue. Eggwhitey nommy-ness!


I made these little cute guys recently. They're vanilla butter cookies rolled in a sugar and cinnamon. So yummy.



i made this masterpiece in grade 2. The green is carpeting done in acrylic, the wall is also acrylic, and my kitty and the mouse are paper cut outs stuck on some with glue. Apparently I was the master of multimedia at 8 years old.


I miss my friends.


Im not very clever when it comes to making things in Illustrator. I do however, love birds.