

Just a few of my favourite drafts so far for my Design and Image Poster Design project. For the assignment I have to create a poster for an event at York by using a bag of feathers and the 400 word virgin unicorn story that I was given and make a nice composition. You might be wondering, i see the feathers, but unicorn? whaaat? Well, I figured that Id be all representational and instead of placing real unicorn imagery (gross) i would somehow allude to the idea of uni by having the single different feather in the composition. Its pretty BS reasoning, but fuck it, ARTISTIC FREEDOM BITCHES. Anyways, these are my first drafts...the last one is my faaaaave.


I made a poster.

  1. Ive discovered that I really enjoy making posters and bookcovers.
  2. Im gonna get this guy printed just because.
  3. I should start using Shades as an alias. I can be the Neo of design.
  4. I think I'm gonna steal this idea for a school assignment...is it considered plagiarism if youre copying yourself?

Strain 32.

I painted a blob and then drew lines and shapes around it. I like it.


Love your fish.

I was at the York bookstore, flipping through an art magazine. Page after page I thought to myself "I can do this, this isn't hard". But then I realized, how can I do this, if I don't actually start doing it?

All I do is sketch and doodle and that has to change. So thus, this is the beginning of me actually doing it. I'm actually gonna make things!

The worst part about it, is that upon finishing this painting, my dad comes up to me and goes "You really should be in illustration." Thanks Dad, I've known that for a while now.

tea stain, gouache and pencil crayon on 20x13 double thick illustration board.


I read a good book.

"There is always hope. The world is vast and meant for wandering. There is always somewhere else to go" - Nick Burd.