
Arabic Calligraphy.

This is the poster i submitted for my final typography assignment (a poster for an exhibit at the ROM). Compared to those submitted in class, this one was definitely different, but I got pretty good reviews from people in class and from Ed as well. The only thing I would change would be the type setting on the title, as its a bit bland in comparison to what i could have possibly done with it. Otherwise, Im pretty content with it and hope i get a damn good mark.


i made this instead of working on me hwk.
i love it and would definitely get this as a tattoo if i could.



Inspired by the Oracle of Delphi and all the opium the Greeks smoked.


Fruit Sequence.

I got an A- on this badboy. I wish summer was here.


Visual Language

Look at the fun things i made today in class! Complete bullshit and the teacher loved it?



I drew this in my tutorial. Inspired by those crazy Minoans who just couldn't get enough of painting fishes and pretty things.


Ink Prints!

Last week in Visual Language we made these ink prints using an additive technique, using these big ole rubber pads that we carved designs into and then stamped down, carved some more, and then stamped another layer down again. It had a name, but I dont really pay much attention when it comes down to it. However, it was a lot of fun...probably the most fun Ive had in my program thus far.

Anyways, I made a whole series of them but these are the 3 that i think turned out the best.


You know that design is taking over my life, when not only did i laugh hysterically at this:

but that I was also literally upset and confused about how awful the kerning is on this book. Someone move those I's to fit properly between the H-C and S-G's please? Pleeeeeeease? The irony is overwhelming

I also need to share my new desktop, look how fancy that dock makes me boring ass PC look!


Kat and Me.

we were bored and we had a box. Naturally, the only thing to do with it was to make a robot using nothing but gum, scissors, string and pure crafty genius.



instead of doing homework, i made this little ditty in my shitty knock off photoshop/illustrator program. its kinda lame, but i like it.



Half of my assignments for Rebecca Lee. Part two will be done shortly...or so i hope.


Newer version of something I was working on a while ago.
This was supposed to be for the Counterparts album, but Ive got something else brewing for that one instead, so now I have this and I desperately want to finish it and use it for something extraordinarily amazing...the question is, what?



Ive been working on this design for quite a few days now. The big plan is for this to be rendered with some watercolour business going on in the background...which, if all goes well will end up getting used for something pretty excited :)

If theres anyone who reads this, do you think she should have real hands and real lips, or should i carry the line motiff to her hands as well?



This one is all thanks to Eric Diotte.

Gouache on 5" x 17" piece of random Mayfair.

Now its your turn ;)


Lost Boy.

I find it humorous that the angrier the topic of my inspiration is the more cutesy and delicate the final product is. I suppose that says a lot about me.



Perhaps one day, when I'm not incredibly broke and unemployed this shall become a reality. Im so incredibly tempted, however I dont think that even with sufficient cash flow I would have enough balls to do it. Im alright with anywhere else, but when it comes to my arms and chest I get real nervous even considering getting a tattoo. Maybe the best idea for now, is to actually get my existing piece finished hah...maybe not.

Ugh, looks so good tho! If i wasnt myself, and if i was male (or gay) I so would...I love narcissism.



I told you I was gonna draw you one day.



For a while now, Ive been having a very serious case of drawers block...an absolute stall in creativity. Well, perhaps not creativity...its more so a case of having ideas, but being completely at a loss at how to portray them/what medium to use/etc.

Luckily, a few days ago, I turned out this:

I rarely sit and contemplate over the things I come up with (unless of course its for a specific assignment) but looking at this now, its pretty evident that I do seem to end up portraying pieces of myself in what i make. I know it sounds absolutely cliche, but taking into consideration that I've been sick for a few days now, coupled with a bit of emotional turnmoil Ive been feeling this piece if a definite reflection of how Ive been feeling (OMG! monochrome?! the insanity!). I dunno, just a bit of an observation I made.

I should probably sign the things i finish. Probably.

The First.

Being the indicisive person that I am, I have yet to decide what exactly Im going to use this blog for. I know several people who have one and use it for varying purposes such as documenting their artwork, shamelessly ranting away their opinions and emo-ing over heartbreak (not that that's a bad thing).  My Livejournal (aha) started off as a place where my 14 year old self pined over hot boys and ranted about the pains of growing up. Granted, over the years not much has changed in the context of what I write there, but I feel like perhaps I need to move on to a more mature medium to post what goes through my mind...perhaps move onto something more organized...perhaps not. I think I will just let this blog speak for itself. Anything and everything goes.