

For a while now, Ive been having a very serious case of drawers block...an absolute stall in creativity. Well, perhaps not creativity...its more so a case of having ideas, but being completely at a loss at how to portray them/what medium to use/etc.

Luckily, a few days ago, I turned out this:

I rarely sit and contemplate over the things I come up with (unless of course its for a specific assignment) but looking at this now, its pretty evident that I do seem to end up portraying pieces of myself in what i make. I know it sounds absolutely cliche, but taking into consideration that I've been sick for a few days now, coupled with a bit of emotional turnmoil Ive been feeling this piece if a definite reflection of how Ive been feeling (OMG! monochrome?! the insanity!). I dunno, just a bit of an observation I made.

I should probably sign the things i finish. Probably.

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