Lost Boy.
I find it humorous that the angrier the topic of my inspiration is the more cutesy and delicate the final product is. I suppose that says a lot about me.

Ugh, looks so good tho! If i wasnt myself, and if i was male (or gay) I so would...I love narcissism.
For a while now, Ive been having a very serious case of drawers block...an absolute stall in creativity. Well, perhaps not creativity...its more so a case of having ideas, but being completely at a loss at how to portray them/what medium to use/etc.

Luckily, a few days ago, I turned out this:
I rarely sit and contemplate over the things I come up with (unless of course its for a specific assignment) but looking at this now, its pretty evident that I do seem to end up portraying pieces of myself in what i make. I know it sounds absolutely cliche, but taking into consideration that I've been sick for a few days now, coupled with a bit of emotional turnmoil Ive been feeling this piece if a definite reflection of how Ive been feeling (OMG! monochrome?! the insanity!). I dunno, just a bit of an observation I made.
I should probably sign the things i finish. Probably.
The First.
Being the indicisive person that I am, I have yet to decide what exactly Im going to use this blog for. I know several people who have one and use it for varying purposes such as documenting their artwork, shamelessly ranting away their opinions and emo-ing over heartbreak (not that that's a bad thing). My Livejournal (aha) started off as a place where my 14 year old self pined over hot boys and ranted about the pains of growing up. Granted, over the years not much has changed in the context of what I write there, but I feel like perhaps I need to move on to a more mature medium to post what goes through my mind...perhaps move onto something more organized...perhaps not. I think I will just let this blog speak for itself. Anything and everything goes.
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